page title icon 9 Embarrassing Table Tennis Mistakes You Make & How to Fix Them Today!

Are you ashamed of committing the common ping pong mistakes while playing the game?

And, looking for the ping pong tips and tricks to improve your game and have a lasting impression among your peers?

Today we are going to share simple and actionable hacks suggested by Gavin Wade, which has helped over 100 aspiring table tennis enthusiasts to take their game to the next level.

As we know Table Tennis and its complexity demand many things to be a better player, like:

  • Laser-like Focus
  • Perseverance improve the skills
  • Time investment for training sessions

It is very reasonable to make mistakes and errors, and even to lose. If you are able to analyze the problem and would know what is inducing it after you succeed in implementing the solution, there would always be a scope of improvement, and the game would be fun.

Even for the experienced and professional players, there are endless challenges as the sport is always developing.

Players who want to grow and who are willing to get more polished will always consider themselves a student or a learner rather than a professional.

It is always preferable to learn from other player’s mistakes, this can make you a good player in a shorter period of time.

It is crucial to familiarize with the table tennis mistakes done by the amateur as well as experienced players. Correcting common table tennis mistakes and tracking your progress will help you achieve your goal and give you a proper insight into the ping pong tips for beginners.

Common Mistakes in Ping Pong & its Solution

Table of Contents:

    1. Not knowing the rules
    2. Incorrect grip
    3. Lack of regular practice
    4. Speed
    5. Standing very near to the table
    6. Fancy TT Equipments
    7. Bad hitting timing
    8. Wrong racket angle
    9. Not focusing on strategic plans and weaknesses

1. Not knowing the rules

Well, the table tennis rules are straight forward and few, but still, many players are not aware of the rules of the game.

Whether you play the game for fun or professionally, it is better for a player to know about the rules of the game that they play. Like in table tennis, there is a service rule that the ball should be placed on the top of the resting palm and the toss should be of at least 6 inches in height, which most of the players do not know.

How to fix this?

Get to know about the table tennis rules and regulations so that you are not making the basic table tennis mistakes.

2. Incorrect grip

deep shake hand grip

It has been observed that many players especially the amateurs do not have a suitable grip on the TT bat. It is vital that the player knows how should the grip be by placing their fingers in the right position.

Many players do not hold the table tennis bat in a correct manner which is the basics and every player should know. Majorly, there are four types of grips, you should know well about them and try to make yourself perfect by knowing how to hold the racket perfectly.

How to fix this?

It is not difficult at all; you can learn easily to hold the bat in the perfect position and familiarize where to put your fingers as it would benefit you on having the proper grip. Learn here about the different types of table tennis grips and how you can master them.

3. Lack of regular practice

This is something very crucial; practice means spending time in developing and strengthening your skills and overcoming the weakness.

You should always practice more than your competitor as it would help in developing and making your game even better. As, when you go for competition, your main focus is to win not to work on your weaknesses. Practise would help you in increasing your skills as well you would be able to learn many new table tennis tricks by regular practice.

How to fix this?

You can overcome this by taking out time from your busy schedule and doing daily practice to make your game, even more, better and take your table tennis game to the next level.

4. Speed

Experts say that most of the players especially when they are a beginner, focus more on speed rather than aiming at using proper techniques.

This is incorrect as it leads to errors, so they should always make sure that they seek first on learning techniques rather than hitting with maximum speed.

How to fix this?

The first and foremost thing to aim for perfect placement and control as if this is fixed, then speed would increase gradually.

5. Standing very near to the table

table tennis mistakes

The common problem which has been observed in most of the players is that they stand very close to the table tennis table.

This is something that should not be done as if you are very close to the table, then you would only be able to push and block, it would be tough for you to make a backhand loop and forehand spin.

You should ensure that the bat is in the center and you give yourself some space from the table so that you can move around easily and would also give you some time to react to the opponent’s shot.

You should just take a half step back not too far as well, as it would make hard for you to play the shots accurately. Therefore, you should always be careful and mindful of where you stand.

How to fix this?

You can fix this by keeping a minimum distance of 40-45 cm from the table. All the beginners should ensure that they are well versed about the perfect distance to maintain from the table as well as the ready position. It is one of the table tennis tips for beginners which will help you become a better player.

6. Fancy TT Equipments

silly mistakes while playing table tennis

This is one of the most common mistakes that mostly every beginner does, which is buying costly equipment without proper knowledge.

The primary concern behind this is that till the time you do not have adequate knowledge about the game, you would not know what equipment would suit you. Also, there are many expensive gears which are not easy to control at all.

How to fix this?

You can overcome this by asking someone who has proper knowledge about the game and plays table tennis frequently. Take their help in choosing the table tennis equipments like TT rackets, table tennis tables, balls, etc.

7. Bad hitting timing

table tennis rules

At times, when the players are new to the game, they get captivated and fascinated by the shots which finish with a point. But being a beginner, you should understand that this should not be the case every time and you have to be very precise about placement and timing.

How to fix this?

You should always see what kind of a shot your opponent is playing and then decide accordingly as your body and shot should always be consistent with ball placing.

8. Wrong racket angle

common table tennis mistakes

Using the wrong angle is one of the common table tennis mistakes that is done by beginners. If you don’t use the correct angle, your shot may not end up correctly as either it will go long (out of the table) or it will fall short (into the net). You might also face challenges while spinning and in playing smashes.

How to fix this?

You need to practice as much as you can to make your stroke impeccable, which is possible only when you are using the right angle. You also need to be familiar with the amount and type of spin that is there on the ball to make sure that the ball is in your court.

9. Not focusing on strategic plans and weaknesses

Till the time you do not make your strategies, you cannot excel. Without any strategic plan, your game will become too tame. Strategies are vital if you want to beat a professional competitor.

How to fix this?

It is imperative that you start concentrating on how to improve at ping pong. It is just about beating your own best. You should start setting your goals and note the improvement rate. You don’t just need to follow your group sessions; you ought to take command of your progress.

Wrapping up TT Mistakes…

These are the most common table tennis mistakes which are made by the amateurs when they start playing ping pong.

If you are passionate about this sport, then you just need to pick up your table tennis bat and make sure that while playing that you do not make these mistakes.

Also, if you have any confusion about the game, you should always consult your coach or an expert.

As soon as you will fix all these table tennis mistakes, you will have a great feeling as you have already taken your game to the next level, and you are all set to impress your peers by showing your ping pong skills 😉

Gavin is the Chief Editor at 99sportz. In his free time, he enjoys playing Table Tennis & Pool. Here he pleasures in unearthing Table Tennis & Pool products and sharing unbiased reviews with readers by writing product reviews & carefully crafting buying guides with his acuity in two of the sports. Know more about Gavin Wade on 99Sportz About page.

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